My View Eastward

Eastward to Eden. My view on the creation story from a Gentile perspective regarding self correction. Cool thing is that the Story grows and reveals more and more as we seek to correct ourselves and find the Creator. You can see and hear yourself if you pay close attention.


Laziness Costs YOU!

Understand? The PRICE of being lazy is YOU. Your potential, Your Promise, Your Health, Your Life.  I didn’t move until I was over 45 years old. I did not eat well or live well. I was a glutton with my ears (gossip), my eyes (entertainment), my entitlement to relaxing, my mouth (in speaking words that I didn’t need to speak and eating foods I didn’t need to eat) all this to sooth and medicate myself. It was DEATH. Pitiful, Dark Death. SO, if I can move, transform and transcend, YOU CAN! Here is a speedy glimpse into my Early Morning, before my kids wake, my employees start, and I dress for the day. No TV, No Internet, (except during workout) No nonsense!

A Ribbon Cake Short Cut

Just thought I’d share a quick trick on half a tier cake using a single tip, and single upward piping motion to create quick, delicate ribbons out of vegan frosting (vegan earth balance butter) and fine (bone free) powered sugar. Yes, it’s a great deal of frosting, no one ever eats all the frosting…keep it fresh and delicious so they want to, but never expect them to 🙂

Kicking Kostly K-Kcups to the Kurb

I’ve had enough! $200 a month on K-cups for 2 people? $400 a year for new Machines…Shameful…Plastic pods EVERYWHERE…where to store them before you use them and where to recycle them. plastic, foil, oil…ugh!

What’s old is new again! The French Press…You’re Welcome, eat cake too! It’s life!

Bread Cheats You Knead to Know

Here are some short cuts to crafting some of the most traditional breads from the very same dough recipe, a bread machine-bread dough recipe to boot! How easy is that? My goal is to get people interested in the form and function of crafting bread. It is a beautiful and sadly lost art. So whether you take short cuts, or the traditional route, the feeling of crafting the bread, the smell of it baking, the sight of it’s beauty, the magnificent taste, the simplicity of its ingredients allows for a moment of taking pause before the Creator to be thankful for all that makes life truly good.  He, He Alone, for there is No Other.

Grilled Matzo Panini

More Ideas to use up our Costco Bundle of Matzo. I softened, then fused layers of Matzo to created more of a bread like texture, then grilled it to create a panini with strips of our left over Seder rib-eye roast, spinach and a dairy free tarragon cream sauce. It was so tasty. Let me know if you try it, or something similar…